What is Storage-as-a-Service and why should you consider it?
Storage As A Service or STaaS from Beechglen is a fully managed storage replacement product for legacy systems that requires no capital outlay to implement. Each environment is customized to your unique requirements for performance, capacity, budget, and support. STaaS includes a BGDSAN, hardware maintenance, software support, TripleStore™ tapeless backup utility, and custom tailored scrips to streamline operations, all for a reasonable monthly charge. STaaS allows you to implement current technology disk arrays on legacy computers within your monthly support expenditures, not your capital budget.
Why should you consider STaaS?
Replacing antiquated hardware with a new storage device makes sense when the terms are right. New disks fail with far less frequency than end-of-life Nike, 12H, and VA74xx, XP, and SCSI JBOD disks, where the only option is to replace failed disks with used disks. All BGDSANs are built with brand new, current technology disks. Technologies such as SATA, SAS, and SSDs that are still being manufactured today.
Combine our STaaS with our replication software from one BGDSAN to another for Disaster Recovery capability that is unmatched. Contact Beechglen for more information to see if STaaS is right for your company. No up-front costs and reasonable monthly fees may be the answer to reducing the risk of continuing to run on legacy HP3000 and HP9000 computers.
To find out more, click the links below:
Beechglen’s BGDSAN™ using FLASH (SSD) or SATA disks and cloud backup solutions offer a replacement for legacy disks and tape storage arrays.
TripleStore™ is a process that allows for a minimum of three backup copies to be made. One copy is to a local user volume MPE/iX storage, a second is sent via SFTP to a network connected Linux Appliance, and a third is encrypted and placed on a removable solid state disk (SSD) to send to secure offsite storage.
Case Study – On-Prem Production Hosting, Disaster Recovery, BGDSAN+DRBD, TripleStore & Mission-Critical Support Solution