What does the new Admin for a Legacy HP3000 Server Experience?
So, you’re the new admin for the company HP3000. Now what?
Just as with any server you’re responsible for – system availability, reliability, and data protection are key elements of system management. Suggestions from decades of experience:
1) Work with the current admin, if possible, to train and review notes for the HP3000 system operation and responsibilities. ie: logons, user maintenance, backups. If the current admin is not available, locate all notes related to the HP3000 system operation.
2) Find out who is under contract for OS software support, third party software support, hardware support, application support. Phone numbers, email, web contacts.
3) Determine how critical the HP3000 is for your company operations – e.g. manufacturing, database server to your web-server, call center order services, printing shippers for the distribution center etc. Do you need to find a solution or manage disaster recovery for this system?
4) Understand the backup process. Be sure the data is protected should a hardware or database failure require a reload/restore from your backups – whether from tapes, electronically, or a blended.
5) Get some training. MPE/iX Operator and System Manager training via pdf tutorials. Your OS software support consultant should be able to help you and assist with questions – ‘how do I’? ‘does this seem right’?
6) Gather baseline system data so that you know what the system looks like when it is running normally. Your OS software support team can help with this.
7) Determine which system tools are installed that will assist you in managing the HP3000. Again, contact your software support company for assistance with this.
8) Consider contracting for Sys Admin services to help get you up to speed or offload the Admin work so you can continue with your other duties.
9) Consider alternatives to keeping the HP3000 in house. Is the system in production mode, archive mode, are there regulatory reasons for keeping the system running? Can you move the system to a CO-LO or hosted venue that will provide hardware and OS support as part of that service?
10) Take action now rather than waiting until a system problem or failure and management calls you with questions.
Taking these steps and partnering with your OS software support company to build your skills and understand your system configuration and operations will get you off to a good start.