swlist -l product

Page started on: Mon Mar 29 10:42:26 EDT 2021
swlist -l product # Initializing... # Contacting target "rx1620a"... # # Target: rx1620a:/ # ATOK B.11.31 ATOK (Japanese Input Method Server) Accounting B.11.31 Accounting AppDiscMN A. Application Discovery Managed Node Agent AppDiscServer A. Application Discovery Server Runtime Asian-Core B.11.31 Asian Core Asian-PRINTER B.11.31 Asian Printer Support Asian-UTILITY B.11.31 Asian Utility Asian-X11 B.11.31 Asian X11 Asian-X11FONTSRV B.11.31 Asian X11 Font Server BLKONLY-MS D.11.31.0903.01 Transition of obsolete product BOOT-KBD D.11.31.0903.01 Transition of obsolete product BOOT-MOUSE D.11.31.0903.01 Transition of obsolete product Bastille B.3.0.20 HP-UX Security Hardening Tool CDE B.11.31 HP-UX CDE User Interface CIFS-Client A.02.02.04 HP CIFS Client CIFS-Development B. HPE CIFS Server Source Code Files CIFS-Server B. HPE CIFS Server (Samba) File and Print Services CLUP C.17.01 WBEMMgmtBundle CM-Provider-MOF B.04.00.01 CM Provider and MOF CMGR A.02.02 HP-UX Configuration Manager COMPLIBS B.11.31 Compiler Support Libraries CORE-OOC D.11.31.0903.01 Transition of obsolete product CP-CMS A. HP Insight Capacity Advisor software for ID-VSE CS-CMS A. Solver CMS for Virtual Server Environment Cluster-Monitor A.11.17.01 HP Cluster Monitor SD Product Cluster-OM B.04.00.01 HP Cluster API CompartmentLogin B. HP-UX Compartment Login Containment B.11.31 HP-UX Security Containment ContainmentPlus B.11.31.01 HP-UX ContainmentPlus ContainmentWiz B. HP-UX Containment Wizard Contrib-Tools B. HPUX Contributed Tools DCE-Core B.11.31 HP DCE Core Client Software DCE-CoreTools B.11.31 DCE Application development Support DEVFS D.11.31.0903.01 Transition of obsolete product DHCPv4 B.11.31 IPv4 Dynamic Host Configuration protocol daemons and utilities DHCPv6 B.11.31 IPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration protocol daemons and utilities DRD B.1131.A.3.14.98 Dynamic Root Disk DSAU C.01.00.07 Distributed Systems Administration Utilities DiskQuota B.11.31 DiskQuota EMS-Config A. EMS Config EMS-Core A. EMS Core Product EMS-DBMon A.04.20 EMS Database Monitor EMS-DskMon A.04.20 EMS Disk Resource Monitor EMS-MIBMon A. EMS MIB Resource Monitor Product EVM-EventMgr B.11.31 Event Management System FC-COMMON B.11.31.1503 FC Common User space files FC-FCD B.11.31.1905 FibreChannel (FCD) Driver FC-TACHYON-TL B.11.31.1003 FibreChannel (TD) Driver FCMassStorage B.11.31 Fibre Channel Mass Storage FTP C. FTP Protocol daemons and utilities FileSystemsWeb B.11.31.02 HP-UX Disks and File Systems Tool Fonts B.11.31 Fonts to enable layered technologies to Display and Print GE-DRV B.11.31 HP PCI Gigabit Ethernet Driver GLib GLib utility functions GSS-API B.11.31 GSS-API Version 1.0 GTK+ GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X Gated-Mrouted B.11.31 Unicast and Multicast Route Protocol daemons and utilities Gettext GNU gettext NLS library Glance C.04.55.00 HP GlancePlus/UX HPOvLcore 6.00.000 HP Software Core Functionality HPOvPerf 4.70.000 HP OpenView Performance HPUX-PAM-RADIUS A.01.00.00 HP-UX PAM RADIUS IDS F.04.08.00 HP-UX Host IDS F.04.08 IDS-KRN F.03.00.04 HP-UX Host IDS F.04.00 IETHER-DRV B.11.31.1806 HP PCI/PCI-X/PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Driver IGELAN-DRV B.11.31.1403 HP PCI Gigabit Ethernet Driver IPF-HP A. HP IPFilter 3.5alpha5 IXGBE-DRV B.11.31.1109 HP PCI-X 10GigEthr Driver Ignite-UX C.7.18.63 HP-UX System Installation Services IntegratedLogin B.11.31 Integrated Login Product International B.11.31 International InternetSrvcs B.11.31 General network applications and daemons Iso-Image-Enh B.11.31.06 cdfs ISO image mount support JFS B.11.31 Base VxFS File System 4.1 for HP-UX Jdk14 Java2 1.4 SDK Jdk15 Java 1.5 JDK Joob 2.06.00 Java2 Out-of-box Jpi14 Java2 1.4 Netscape Plugin Jre14 Java2 1.4 RTE Jre15 Java 1.5 JRE Jre60 Java 6.0 JRE Judy-lib B. Judy Library and Related files KBD-MUX D.11.31.0903.01 Transition of obsolete product KERNEL-PROVIDERS C.05.00.05 HPUX Kernel Providers KG-CMS A. Agent Distributor CMS for Virtual Server Env KRB5-Client B.11.31 Kerberos V5 Client Version KWDB B.11.31 KWDB KernDevKit B.11.31 HP-UX Kernel Developer Kit KernelConfig B.11.31.00 Kernel Configuration Keyshell B.11.31 Keyshell LVM B.11.31.1503 LVM LVM-Core B.11.31 HP-UX Kernel support for the logical volume manager LVM-MirrorDisk B.11.31 MirrorDisk/UX LdapUxClient B.05.03 LDAP-UX Client Services Libiconv Libiconv - Character set conversion library MOUSE-MUX D.11.31.0903.01 Transition of obsolete product MSDOS-Utils B.11.31 MSDOS-Utils MSSW A. Insight managed system setup wizard MailUtilities B.11.31 User mail agents and related tools MeasureWare C.04.55.00 MeasureWare Software/UX MeasurementInt C.04.55.00 HP-UX Measurement Interface for 11.31 Mozilla Mozilla 1.7 MozillaSrc Mozilla 1.7 Source Distribution NFS B.11.31.22 ONC/NFS; Network-File System,Information Services,Utilities NParProvider B.31.02.04 nPartition Provider NPartition B.11.31.1303 NPartition Commands NTP C. NTPv4 timeservices upgrade plus utilities NameService B.11.31 Berkeley Internet Name Domain Server Protocol daemons and utilities Net-SNMP A.19.00- Simple Network Monitoring protocol NetworkConfig B.11.31.02 NetworkConfig X/Web management tool Networking B.11.31 HP-UX_Lanlink_Product NisLdapServer B.05.03 The NIS/LDAP Gateway (ypldapd) NonHP-Terminfo B.11.31 Non HP terminfo files OE B.11.31 HP-UX OE control script product ONC-Core B.11.31 HP-UX Kernel support for ONCplus OO-CDIO D.11.31.0903.01 Transition of obsolete product OOC-SVCS D.11.31.0903.01 Transition of obsolete product OPS-Provider-MOF B.04.00.01 OPS Provider and MOF OS-Core B.11.31 Core Operating System, plus Software Terms & Conditions OVSNMPAgent C.17.3.4 HP-UX Emanate SNMP Agent OnlineJFS B.11.31 Online features of the VxFS File System PAM-Kerberos D.01.26 PAM-Kerberos Version 1.26 PAM-NTLM A.02.02.04 HP NTLM Pluggable Authentication Module PARMGR-CMS A. Partition Manager CMS for Virtual Server Environment PAX-Enh B.11.31.16 HP-UX 11.31 pax(1) enhancement PFIL-HP A. HP IPFilter PFIL Interface PHCO_36038 1.0 esmd(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_36075 1.0 documentation change needed for stat(5) PHCO_36254 1.0 uptime(1) cumulative patch PHCO_36309 1.0 diskinfo(1M) patch PHCO_36392 1.0 Japanese documentation change needed for stat(5) PHCO_36448 1.0 Japanese aries(5) man page patch PHCO_36480 1.0 userdb cumulative patch PHCO_36569 1.0 Firmware/software compatibility check PHCO_36866 1.0 Japanese process management manpages PHCO_36937 1.0 Japanese maxrsessiz(5) manpages PHCO_36944 1.0 fold(1) cumulative patch PHCO_36990 1.0 diskinfo(1M) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_37250 1.0 English math manpages patch PHCO_37267 1.0 fwtmp(1m) cumulative patch PHCO_37394 1.0 VxFS mkfs(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_37482 1.0 ioinitrc cumulative patch PHCO_37645 1.0 fs_wrapper(5) patch PHCO_37696 1.0 pwck(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_37697 1.0 tsconvert cumulative patch PHCO_37744 1.0 ptree(1) cumulative patch PHCO_37756 1.0 Unicode iconv method patch PHCO_37783 1.0 prot.h cumulative patch PHCO_37784 1.0 /sbin/passwd cumulative patch PHCO_37785 1.0 pwunconv(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_37794 1.0 man(1) cumulative patch PHCO_37807 1.0 Cumulative Patch for bcheckrc PHCO_37811 1.0 logins(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_37880 1.0 bdiff(1) cumulative patch PHCO_37913 1.0 HFS mkfs(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_38033 1.0 Japanese PM-PSTAT sec. 2 manpage changes PHCO_38071 1.0 iobind patch PHCO_38113 1.0 swapctl(2) manpage change to delete a swap device PHCO_38123 1.0 Japanese math manpage patch PHCO_38160 1.0 id(1) cumulative patch PHCO_38161 1.0 groups(1) cumulative patch PHCO_38164 1.0 getaccess(1) cumulative patch PHCO_38182 1.0 Japanese userdb manpage patch PHCO_38189 1.0 livedump man page patch PHCO_38211 1.0 passwd(1) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_38247 1.0 logins(1M) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_38248 1.0 chgrp cumulative patch PHCO_38255 1.0 mkfs_hfs(1M) man page patch PHCO_38256 1.0 edquota(1M) man page patch PHCO_38257 1.0 quota(1) man page patch PHCO_38263 1.0 sed(1) cumulative patch PHCO_38282 1.0 DynsysVsem Japanese manpage patch PHCO_38312 1.0 uucpd(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_38461 1.0 vtdaemon(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_38477 1.0 intctl(1M) and intrbald(1M) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_38498 1.0 getprpw(1M) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_38590 1.0 sort(1) cumulative patch PHCO_38597 1.0 cumulative cpio(1) patch PHCO_38632 1.0 Japanese Mainframe Iconv Converters Patch PHCO_38752 1.0 umount(1m) patch PHCO_38773 1.0 European and Indic TrueType Fonts Cumulative Patch PHCO_38784 1.0 mpsched(1) cumulative patch PHCO_38839 1.0 Japanese manpage patch for kernel configuration PHCO_38847 1.0 psrset(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_38958 1.0 crashconf(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_39038 1.0 mount(1m) manpage patch PHCO_39039 1.0 fstab(4) manpage patch PHCO_39040 1.0 compress (1) cumulative patch PHCO_39041 1.0 compact (1) cumulative patch PHCO_39051 1.0 libsys cumulative patch PHCO_39064 1.0 FirstBoot sysinfo.4 manpage patch PHCO_39068 1.0 Japanese manpage patch for profile.4 PHCO_39121 1.0 loratune(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_39141 1.0 chown(1) cumulative patch PHCO_39202 1.0 rtsched Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39204 1.0 cp(1) Japanese cumulative manpage patch PHCO_39206 1.0 ioinit(1M) Japanese cumulative manpage patch PHCO_39218 1.0 ttytype(1) cumulative patch PHCO_39226 1.0 tee(1) cumulative patch PHCO_39227 1.0 csplit(1) cumulative patch PHCO_39241 1.0 olrad(1M) Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39242 1.0 ugm Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39250 1.0 identd(1M) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39261 1.0 pstatectl man page PHCO_39298 1.0 pthread library Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39359 1.0 FirstBoot Japanese sysinfo.4 manpage patch PHCO_39368 1.0 hpsecurity.h cumulative patch PHCO_39371 1.0 /sbin/initcond cumulative patch PHCO_39379 1.0 livedump Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39394 1.0 Japanese pax.1 manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39410 1.0 Complex Scripts PostScript printing patch PHCO_39411 1.0 chmod(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_39446 1.0 chown Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39448 1.0 libIO(3X) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39453 1.0 edquota Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39467 1.0 mkfs_hfs(1M) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39607 1.0 quota(1) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39608 1.0 vi(1)/ex(1) cumulative patch PHCO_39616 1.0 uucpd(1M) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39618 1.0 cpio(1) Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39619 1.0 libpam_hpsec Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39642 1.0 mount Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39649 1.0 fstab Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39654 1.0 Japanese manpage for mca_recovery_on tunable PHCO_39657 1.0 dump_tune Japanese manpages patch PHCO_39663 1.0 mpsched.1 Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39674 1.0 umount(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_39675 1.0 mount_cdfs(1M) man page patch PHCO_39679 1.0 timer Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39680 1.0 Japanese audcmnds manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39681 1.0 ngroups_max(5) Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39682 1.0 crashutil(1M) support to control libcrash cache PHCO_39696 1.0 pstatectl Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39716 1.0 getconf(1) cumulative patch PHCO_39719 1.0 100BT Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39726 1.0 crashconf(1M) Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39727 1.0 loratune Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39728 1.0 scheduler power management Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39743 1.0 sysconf Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39744 1.0 vm_vasm_shlib Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39746 1.0 iofind and io_redirect_dsf Japanese manpages patch PHCO_39752 1.0 compact Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_39758 1.0 thread level Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39759 1.0 thread level signal Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39841 1.0 thread level signal Japanese manpage patch PHCO_39889 1.0 vxdump(1m) cumulative patch PHCO_39927 1.0 fsdaemon(1m) cumulative patch PHCO_40055 1.0 cut(1) cumulative patch PHCO_40072 1.0 libpam_hpsec cumulative patch PHCO_40085 1.0 Complex Scripts PS printing Japanese manpages PHCO_40087 1.0 Event Management (EVM) cumulative patch PHCO_40093 1.0 ls(1) cumulative patch PHCO_40108 1.0 Japanese mount_cdfs(1M) manpage patch PHCO_40109 1.0 mediainit(1) Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_40110 1.0 Japanese swapctl(2) manpage cumulative patch PHCO_40140 1.0 Japanese getconf(1) manpage cumulative patch PHCO_40142 1.0 Libnss_dns Japanese Manpage Patch PHCO_40143 1.0 pm_usync_man Japanese cumulative patch PHCO_40163 1.0 Japanese manpages of sh-posix.1 PHCO_40190 1.0 esctl Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_40191 1.0 Japanese sar(1M) manpage cumulative patch PHCO_40203 1.0 Japanese override_umask(5) tunable manpage patch PHCO_40235 1.0 sccs get(1) cumulative patch PHCO_40238 1.0 VxFS4.1 setext(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_40298 1.0 ttrace(2) Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_40347 1.0 Japanese Kernel Signals Infrastructure manpage patch PHCO_40391 1.0 Japanese pmap(1) manpage cumulative patch PHCO_40392 1.0 Japanese su(1) manpage cumulative patch PHCO_40411 1.0 Japanese bootpd(1M)/DHCP manpage cumulative patch PHCO_40521 1.0 libpam cumulative patch PHCO_40590 1.0 localmount cumulative patch PHCO_40605 1.0 uuencode(1) patch PHCO_40786 1.0 lugadmin(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_40846 1.0 libc cumulative header file patch PHCO_40923 1.0 Japanese frecover(1M)/fbackup(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_40935 1.0 ENG manpages for decimal floating point functions PHCO_41007 1.0 Japanese getrlimit(2) manpage patch PHCO_41039 1.0 printf(1) cumulative patch PHCO_41155 1.0 ENG chroot(2) manpage cumulative patch PHCO_41169 1.0 intro(7) manpage patch PHCO_41170 1.0 ioscan(1M) Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_41195 1.0 VRTS 4.1 GARP5 VRTSvxvm Command Patch PHCO_41366 1.0 cdfs statvfsdev(3C) cumulative patch PHCO_41371 1.0 libnss_files cumulative patch PHCO_41402 1.0 GB18030 locale method patch PHCO_41478 1.0 Cumulative EFI commands patch PHCO_41514 1.0 pmap(1) cumulative patch PHCO_41531 1.0 od(1)/xd(1) cumulative patch PHCO_41547 1.0 idisk(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_41574 1.0 modprpw cumulative patch PHCO_41577 1.0 getprpw cumulative patch PHCO_41585 1.0 ioinit(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_41595 1.0 login(1) cumulative patch PHCO_41625 1.0 su cumulative patch PHCO_41771 1.0 mv(1) cumulative patch PHCO_41811 1.0 mc(1) command patch PHCO_41821 1.0 cumulative patch for Security Containment commands PHCO_41833 1.0 bdf(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_41855 1.0 libsec cumulative patch PHCO_41859 1.0 rbac cumulative patch PHCO_41863 1.0 UUCP cumulative patch PHCO_42037 1.0 Japanese manpages decimal floating point functions PHCO_42062 1.0 syslogd(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_42073 1.0 rc(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_42074 1.0 idisk(1m) Japanese manpage update PHCO_42075 1.0 machinfo(1m) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_42101 1.0 vm Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_42102 1.0 Japanese maxtsiz.5 manpage PHCO_42103 1.0 Japanese PM manpages PHCO_42105 1.0 Japanese numa_sched_launch.5 manpage PHCO_42129 1.0 compartments Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_42130 1.0 intro.7 Japanese manpage patch PHCO_42144 1.0 diskowner(1M) Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_42152 1.0 Japanese fcntl(2) manpage cumulative patch PHCO_42153 1.0 mount(1m) patch PHCO_42158 1.0 find(1) cumulative patch PHCO_42160 1.0 Japanese nettl(1M), netfmt(1M) manpages patch PHCO_42161 1.0 dmesg(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_42184 1.0 cumulative ARPA Transport Japanese manpage patch PHCO_42188 1.0 telnetd(1M) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_42194 1.0 awk(1) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_42195 1.0 cut(1) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_42196 1.0 crontab(1) Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_42197 1.0 ps(1) Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_42198 1.0 ttytype(1) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_42206 1.0 eschgr driver Japanese manpage patch PHCO_42207 1.0 scsimgr cumulative Japanese manpage patch PHCO_42208 1.0 LAN cumulative Japanese manpage patch PHCO_42209 1.0 Japanese chroot(2) manpage patch PHCO_42223 1.0 more(1) cumulative patch PHCO_42224 1.0 io_cdsf_config(1M) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_42231 1.0 estape Japanese cumulative manpage patch PHCO_42251 1.0 Japanese RBAC manpage patch PHCO_42295 1.0 Japanese insf/lssf/mksf/rmsf manpage patch PHCO_42305 1.0 Japanese sysconf(2) cumulative patch PHCO_42316 1.0 VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Srvc Patch PHCO_42463 1.0 linker/compiler/unwind Japanese manpage patch PHCO_42475 1.0 make(1) cumulative patch PHCO_42476 1.0 cp(1) cumulative patch PHCO_42504 1.0 umodem(1) cumulative patch PHCO_42505 1.0 cumulative libipmimsg patch PHCO_42511 1.0 tail(1) cumulative patch PHCO_42534 1.0 vmstat(1) cumulative patch PHCO_42586 1.0 cumulative SAM patch PHCO_42636 1.0 umodem(1) JPN manpage patch PHCO_42641 1.0 find(1) JPN cumulative patch PHCO_42642 1.0 setboot(1M) Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_42662 1.0 libpam_unix cumulative patch PHCO_42667 1.0 reboot(1M), shutdown(1M) JPN cumulative patch PHCO_42668 1.0 rc(1M) JPN cumulative patch PHCO_42678 1.0 vxfsconvert(1M) 4.1 patch PHCO_42728 1.0 Japanese security manpages cumulative patch PHCO_42791 1.0 yes(1) cumulative patch PHCO_42837 1.0 librt cumulative patch PHCO_42887 1.0 machinfo cumulative patch PHCO_42912 1.0 sfd cumulative patch PHCO_42914 1.0 ps(1) cumulative patch PHCO_42966 1.0 top(1) cumulative patch PHCO_43045 1.0 ugm cumulative patch PHCO_43051 1.0 pfiles(1) cumulative patch PHCO_43053 1.0 security reference file PHCO_43074 1.0 csh(1) cumulative patch PHCO_43112 1.0 libc Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_43164 1.0 setnetlp(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43222 1.0 utf8 locales method library patch PHCO_43223 1.0 C.utf8 and univ.utf8 locales cumulative patch PHCO_43225 1.0 Baltic Region/Ukraine/Russia locales cumulative patch PHCO_43226 1.0 Brazil locales cumulative patch PHCO_43227 1.0 Eastern European locales cumulative patch PHCO_43228 1.0 LatinSAmericanSpanish locales cumulative patch PHCO_43229 1.0 WesternEurope_MiddleEast locales cumulative patch PHCO_43230 1.0 America locales cumulative patch PHCO_43231 1.0 pstatectl(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43233 1.0 security manpages cumulative patch PHCO_43235 1.0 passwd -w -x order works PHCO_43240 1.0 quota(1) cumulative patch PHCO_43254 1.0 iconv cumulative patch PHCO_43273 1.0 fstyp(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43279 1.0 libIO(3X) cumulative patch PHCO_43282 1.0 acctcom(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43288 1.0 IOTreeModule Provider Patch PHCO_43293 1.0 hostname(1) cumulative patch PHCO_43332 1.0 setboot(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43333 1.0 vxrestore Cumulative Patch PHCO_43363 1.0 libc manpage cumulative patch PHCO_43393 1.0 intctl(1M) and intrbald(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43398 1.0 mkboot(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43411 1.0 repquota(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43427 1.0 ipcs(1) cumulative patch PHCO_43431 1.0 lpspool cumulative patch PHCO_43449 1.0 rtsched cumulative patch PHCO_43471 1.0 reboot(1M), shutdown(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43477 1.0 diff(1) cumulative patch PHCO_43503 1.0 diskowner(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43546 1.0 ksh(1) cumulative patch PHCO_43547 1.0 killall(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43554 1.0 fstyp(1M) patch PHCO_43555 1.0 patch for userdb error log messages in rc.log PHCO_43624 1.0 savecrash cumulative patch PHCO_43632 1.0 swapinfo(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43715 1.0 olrad(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43835 1.0 m4(1) cumulative patch PHCO_43870 1.0 sar(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_43875 1.0 libpam_updbe patch PHCO_43878 1.0 Japanese fcmsutil manpage patch PHCO_43920 1.0 auto_parms/set_parms/dhcpdb2conf cumulative patch PHCO_44160 1.0 pthread library cumulative patch PHCO_44168 1.0 Mass Storage CRA Cumulative Patch PHCO_44176 1.0 tftpd(1M) Japanese manpage patch PHCO_44178 1.0 pwgrd(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_44193 1.0 mediainit(1) cumulative patch PHCO_44203 1.0 edquota(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_44231 1.0 rquotad(1m) manpage PHCO_44241 1.0 iofind(1M) and io_redirect_dsf(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_44246 1.0 frecover(1M)/fbackup(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_44252 1.0 aries(5) man page patch PHCO_44254 1.0 scsimgr_estape(7) [scsimgr tape plug-in] patch PHCO_44282 1.0 df(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_44299 1.0 ioscan(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_44408 1.0 cron(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_44418 1.0 awk(1) cumulative patch PHCO_44515 1.0 CDFS mount(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_44517 1.0 rm(1) cumulative patch PHCO_44566 1.0 pgrep(1) cumulative patch PHCO_44578 1.0 swapon(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_44582 1.0 libc cumulative patch PHCO_44589 1.0 Linker/Compiler/Unwind ENG Manpage Patch PHCO_44592 1.0 utmpd(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_44595 1.0 spell(1) cumulative patch PHCO_44610 1.0 spell(1) Japanese manpage cumulative patch PHCO_44627 1.0 tar(1) cumulative patch PHCO_44631 1.0 mksf(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_44662 1.0 pax(1) cumulative patch PHCO_44705 1.0 sh-posix(1) cumulative patch PHCO_44706 1.0 X/Open curses libxcurses cumulative patch PHCO_44718 1.0 audcmnds cumulative patch PHCO_44720 1.0 fuser(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_44724 1.0 last(1) cumulative patch PHCO_44735 1.0 iocdsfd(1M) and io_cdsf_config(1M) patch PHCO_44754 1.0 scsimgr cumulative patch PHCO_44776 1.0 iostat(1) cumulative patch PHCO_44793 1.0 kernel configuration commands patch PHCO_44795 1.0 localedef(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_44796 1.0 locale(1) cumulative patch PHCO_44797 1.0 Asian locales cumulative patch PHCO_44817 1.0 tztab(4) cumulative patch PHKL_36324 1.0 maxrsessiz(5) man page PHKL_36443 1.0 PCI Error Recovery,Dynamic NPartitions PHKL_36534 1.0 Man page for mca_recovery_on tunable PHKL_37849 1.0 DynsysVsem man page patch PHKL_38056 1.0 thread level signal enhancements manpage patch PHKL_38081 1.0 timer manpage patch PHKL_38093 1.0 wsio.h header file patch PHKL_38095 1.0 ngroups_max(5) cumulative patch PHKL_38207 1.0 dump_tune manpages patch PHKL_38686 1.0 unistd_h cumulative patch PHKL_38688 1.0 sysconf_man cumulative patch PHKL_38776 1.0 nbp cumulative patch PHKL_38778 1.0 vm_vasm_shlib cumulative patch PHKL_38800 1.0 Process-Specific Data cumulative patch PHKL_38933 1.0 Support for PCI Express MCA error records PHKL_38980 1.0 loratune cumulative patch PHKL_39036 1.0 vnode.h cumulative patch PHKL_39037 1.0 vfs.h cumulative patch PHKL_39050 1.0 pm_usync_man cumulative patch PHKL_39328 1.0 PCI ER, greater than 4K page size, I/O Chassis OLA PHKL_39434 1.0 PCI bridge support for hotplug,PCIe ER,Graphics PHKL_39470 1.0 ACPI changes for PCIe OLRAD support PHKL_39478 1.0 PCIe IO slots, CPU and memory OLAD support PHKL_39594 1.0 vfs_bio QoS patch PHKL_39596 1.0 conf.h header file patch PHKL_39641 1.0 Incorrect displayed number of CPUs PHKL_39656 1.0 override_umask tunable man page PHKL_39695 1.0 I/O Port Space and PCIe Graphics gvid driver PHKL_39814 1.0 Kernel Signals Infrastructure cumulative patch PHKL_40132 1.0 Ptov Alias Chains PHKL_40155 1.0 Platform error handling patch PHKL_40317 1.0 Claim new system PCI devices PHKL_40345 1.0 intr_disp cumulative patch PHKL_40351 1.0 Numa Advisor, resource selection support PHKL_40369 1.0 Recognize TPM v1.2 PHKL_40415 1.0 gio_pub.h header file cumulative patch PHKL_40434 1.0 pm misc cumulative patch PHKL_40489 1.0 newsig.h cumulative patch PHKL_40536 1.0 VRTS 4.1 GARP4 VRTSvxvm kernel Patch PHKL_40627 1.0 Buffer cache cumulative patch PHKL_40919 1.0 LOFS cumulative patch PHKL_41083 1.0 share_header cumulative patch PHKL_41224 1.0 vx_maxlink(5) cumulative man page patch PHKL_41292 1.0 types_h header file cumulative patch PHKL_41303 1.0 IDE/ATAPI cumulative patch PHKL_41307 1.0 iomem driver patch PHKL_41418 1.0 fs_mnttab cumulative patch PHKL_41521 1.0 fcntl header file patch PHKL_41522 1.0 English fcntl(2) manpage patch PHKL_41524 1.0 idds cumulative patch PHKL_41530 1.0 hfs cumulative patch PHKL_41583 1.0 vPars PSM component for vPars A.05.08 release PHKL_41693 1.0 buf.h cumulative patch PHKL_41826 1.0 sec cumulative patch PHKL_41967 1.0 fs_select cumulative patch PHKL_41985 1.0 select.h cumulative patch PHKL_42002 1.0 HP-UX Kernel Support for ONCplus PHKL_42034 1.0 SysV Shared Memory Enhancements PHKL_42171 1.0 kevm cumulative patch PHKL_42298 1.0 PCIe support for Slots,OLRAD,PCIe ER,USB PHKL_42502 1.0 NEC PCIER cumulative patch PHKL_42548 1.0 MSI/MSI-X interrupt migration, virtualization support PHKL_42588 1.0 scheduler power management cumulative patch PHKL_42590 1.0 SMBIOS cumulative patch PHKL_42634 1.0 credentials cumulative patch PHKL_42658 1.0 dev_config cumulative patch PHKL_42660 1.0 sysconf(2) cumulative patch PHKL_42711 1.0 PRM/FSS cumulative patch with LVM enhancement PHKL_42716 1.0 vfs_vnops cumulative patch PHKL_42844 1.0 AIO cumulative patch PHKL_42868 1.0 aio_listio_max(5) man page patch PHKL_42875 1.0 vfs_pm cumulative patch PHKL_42986 1.0 timer cumulative patch PHKL_43006 1.0 file.h header file PHKL_43010 1.0 vfs_scalls override_umask,cumulative patch PHKL_43050 1.0 close_wake_blkdflks(5) ENG man page patch PHKL_43180 1.0 vfs_lookup cumulative patch PHKL_43264 1.0 fs_spec cumulative patch PHKL_43366 1.0 accounting cumulative patch PHKL_43367 1.0 sec_file_rules cumulative patch PHKL_43406 1.0 sec_rule_framework cumulative patch PHKL_43407 1.0 sec_net_rules cumulative patch PHKL_43586 1.0 fs_pstat cumulative patch PHKL_43608 1.0 Fibre Channel Mass Storage Patch PHKL_44068 1.0 Integrity Virtual Machine Capabilities Interface PHKL_44077 1.0 cdfs cumulative patch PHKL_44182 1.0 cumulative gvid patch PHKL_44202 1.0 pm clock cumulative patch PHKL_44204 1.0 HPVM Fix RID length, guest para-virtualization PHKL_44247 1.0 VFS cumulative patch PHKL_44248 1.0 SCSI cumulative I/O patch PHKL_44256 1.0 io cumulative patch PHKL_44281 1.0 pm_usync cumulative patch PHKL_44289 1.0 Audio console beep support PHKL_44302 1.0 WSIO subsystem cumulative patch PHKL_44306 1.0 Platform Interface Support, module unload PHKL_44307 1.0 Cumulative IPMI defect patch PHKL_44308 1.0 mdep cb cumulative patch PHKL_44309 1.0 Interrupt Migration Fixes, Root Port OLAD PHKL_44312 1.0 Fabric Services cumulative patch PHKL_44315 1.0 console cumulative patch PHKL_44316 1.0 Low-level serial console cumulative patch PHKL_44317 1.0 ACPI cumulative patch PHKL_44320 1.0 HPE internal firmware logging support tools PHKL_44321 1.0 Firmware interface support for MCA recovery PHKL_44322 1.0 CEC Common Service Layer, and OLAD Support PHKL_44324 1.0 DynamicNPars, Power Mgmt, Partition ID, OLAD support PHKL_44326 1.0 Audio Driver, TLB transactions, memory table, HPVM PHKL_44327 1.0 local sapic psm cumulative patch PHKL_44328 1.0 clock cumulative patch PHKL_44329 1.0 ivt cumulative patch PHKL_44332 1.0 Kernel test module cumulative patch PHKL_44335 1.0 Kernel debugger cumulative patch PHKL_44336 1.0 DLKM Infrastructure cumulative patch PHKL_44337 1.0 kconfig cumulative patch PHKL_44338 1.0 krs cumulative patch PHKL_44339 1.0 kernel tunables infrastructure cumulative patch PHKL_44340 1.0 olstar cumulative patch PHKL_44341 1.0 Cumulative spin,ktracer,KI patch PHKL_44342 1.0 rwlock cumulative patch PHKL_44343 1.0 Cumulative performance tools patch PHKL_44344 1.0 perfmon cumulative patch PHKL_44345 1.0 system call infrastructure cumulative patch PHKL_44349 1.0 Kernel Memory Migration (KMM) support PHKL_44350 1.0 Error record support for MCA recovery, PCI Express PHKL_44354 1.0 mem, kmem driver cumulative patch PHKL_44355 1.0 kernel access infrastructure cumulative patch PHKL_44374 1.0 OSC Byte swap _OSC arguments and return data PHKL_44377 1.0 CMC Records, PCIe Error Recovery PHKL_44379 1.0 diag2 driver cumulative patch PHKL_44380 1.0 CPU and memory OLAD support PHKL_44385 1.0 Power mgmt and Dynamic P-states support PHKL_44399 1.0 vxfs4.1 cumulative patch PHKL_44404 1.0 time accounting cumulative patch PHKL_44409 1.0 fs_filedscrp cumulative patch PHKL_44413 1.0 kepd cumulative patch PHKL_44472 1.0 vm page table mgmt cumulative patch PHKL_44473 1.0 vPars services patch PHKL_44480 1.0 kernel services cumulative patch PHKL_44488 1.0 Crashdump cumulative patch PHKL_44490 1.0 ACPI CA cumulative patch PHKL_44491 1.0 Local Memory, CPU and memory OLAD support,IPMI Events PHKL_44492 1.0 Local Memory, PCIe Error Records, OLAD, HPVM PHKL_44494 1.0 shutdown cumulative patch, SRB PHKL_44497 1.0 EFI Cumulative patch PHKL_44499 1.0 Virtual console for guest para-virtualization PHKL_44501 1.0 callouts cumulative patch PHKL_44504 1.0 diagnostic memory driver cumulative patch PHKL_44524 1.0 USB 2.0, DVD Write, Cumulative USB Patch PHKL_44561 1.0 mdep efi_utils cumulative patch PHKL_44579 1.0 OLA/R/D subsystem cumulative patch PHKL_44591 1.0 fs_util cumulative patch PHKL_44599 1.0 pstat cumulative patch PHKL_44632 1.0 Integrity Processor Migration, 1024 CPU enablement PHKL_44650 1.0 PCI cumulative patch PHKL_44654 1.0 GIO cumulative patch PHKL_44656 1.0 PCIe ER, and virtualization support PHKL_44658 1.0 eschgr driver patch PHKL_44663 1.0 vfs_lock cumulative patch PHKL_44666 1.0 ttrace(2) cumulative patch PHKL_44667 1.0 process management cumulative patch PHKL_44701 1.0 livedump cumulative patch PHKL_44703 1.0 Virtual psm for guest para-virtualization PHKL_44732 1.0 thread level signal patch PHKL_44733 1.0 scheduler cumulative patch PHKL_44734 1.0 kernel threads cumulative patch PHKL_44752 1.0 esdisk cumulative patch PHKL_44768 1.0 estape cumulative patch PHKL_44769 1.0 mtio.h header file patch PHKL_44773 1.0 boot loader cumulative patch PHKL_44783 1.0 asyncdsk cumulative patch PHKL_44785 1.0 vfs_stack cumulative patch PHKL_44792 1.0 audit cumulative patch PHKL_44801 1.0 vm cumulative patch PHKL_44805 1.0 diskaudit cumulative patch PHKL_44812 1.0 esctl cumulative patch PHNE_37726 1.0 identd(1M) manpage patch PHNE_38419 1.0 r-commands cumulative mega-patch PHNE_38495 1.0 100BT unified driver cumulative patch PHNE_38841 1.0 DHCPv6 patch PHNE_40019 1.0 Libnss_dns Manpage Patch PHNE_41800 1.0 Mail agents/utilities cumulative patch PHNE_42069 1.0 gated(1M) and mrouted(1M) patch PHNE_42509 1.0 telnet kernel; telnetd(1M); telnet(1) patch PHNE_42689 1.0 bootpd(1M)/DHCP patch PHNE_42804 1.0 STREAMS Cumulative Patch PHNE_42920 1.0 nslookup(1) patch PHNE_43616 1.0 Streams Pty cumulative patch PHNE_43913 1.0 ftp client cumulative patch PHNE_44175 1.0 tftp(1) and tftpd(1M) patch PHNE_44245 1.0 Cumulative Console and BSD Pty Patch PHNE_44295 1.0 s700_800 cumulative PPP patch PHNE_44457 1.0 inetd(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_44588 1.0 LAN cumulative patch PHNE_44655 1.0 Networking commands cumulative patch PHNE_44781 1.0 nettl(1M), netfmt(1M) and nettladm(1M) patch PHNE_44808 1.0 cumulative ARPA Transport patch PHSS_36464 1.0 Serviceguard A.11.17.01 PHSS_36604 1.0 X11 Font Library Patch PHSS_37042 1.0 hppac PHSS_38155 1.0 bundled PA C compiler on IPF PHSS_40799 1.0 FORTRAN Intrinsics libF90 PHSS_41582 1.0 cumulative OBAM patch PHSS_41685 1.0 GSS-API Version 1.0 Cumulative patch PHSS_41775 1.0 KRB5-Client Version Cumulative patch PHSS_42686 1.0 assembler patch PHSS_42864 1.0 libcps and libomp patch [ia64/32: Release 6.2] PHSS_42881 1.0 Xserver cumulative patch PHSS_42971 1.0 libdas patch PHSS_42981 1.0 milli cumulative patch PHSS_43134 1.0 X Font Server Patch PHSS_43205 1.0 Math Library Cumulative Patch PHSS_43387 1.0 KWDB 3.2.4 cumulative patch PHSS_43687 1.0 CDE cumulative Patch PHSS_43730 1.0 FORTRAN I/O Library [libIO77] PHSS_43733 1.0 LIBCL patch PHSS_43740 1.0 Integrity Unwind Library PHSS_44173 1.0 HP DCE 2.0 client cumulative patch PHSS_44300 1.0 WDB and PXDB Patch PHSS_44416 1.0 Enabling GNU STL for HP-UX PHSS_44514 1.0 Aries cumulative patch PHSS_44707 1.0 X/Motif Runtime Patch PHSS_44731 1.0 linker + fdp cumulative patch PHSS_44782 1.0 aC++ Runtime (IA: A.06.29, PA: A.03.90) PRM-Sw-Gui C.03.02.02 Process Resource Manager PRM-Sw-Gui product PRM-Sw-Krn C.01.05 Process Resource Manager PRM-Sw-Krn product PRM-Sw-Lib C.03.02.02 Process Resource Manager PRM-Sw-Lib product PRM-Sw-Sim C.03.06 Process Resource Manager PRM-Sw-Sim product Package-CVM-CFS A.11.17.01 HP SG Cluster CVM CFS SD Product Package-Manager A.11.17.01 HP Package-Manager SD Product PartitionManager B. Partition Manager for HP-UX PeriphDevWeb B.11.31.01 HP-UX Peripheral Device Tool Perl5-32 E.5.8.8.M 32-bit Perl Programming Language with Extensions Perl5-64 E.5.8.8.M 64-bit Perl Programming Language with Extensions Perl528-32 E.5.28.0.A 32-bit Perl Programming Language with Extensions Perl528-64 E.5.28.0.A 64-bit Perl Programming Language with Extensions PrinterMgmt B.11.31 PrinterMgmt Proc-Resrc-Mgr C.03.02.02 Process Resource Manager Proc-Resrc-Mgr product ProgSupport B.11.31 ProgSupport PropPlus A.10.00.03 HP-UX Property Page Plus ProviderSvcsCore C.20.00.01 Provider Services Core Python A.21.00- A Sophisticated, New, Interpreted OOP Language RAIDSA B.11.31.1910 RAID SA; Supptd HW=A7143A/A9890A/A9891A RAIDSA-PROVIDER B.11.31.1807.01.01 Smart Array Provider product RAMD B.11.31 IPv6 routing protocol daemons and utilities RBAC B.11.31 HP-UX Role-based Access Control RBACExt B.11.31.05 HP-UX Role-based Access Control Extensions SAS-COMMON B.11.31.1503 Serial SCSI Common product SAS-PROVIDER B.11.31.1805.01.01 Serial SCSI provider product SAS-SASD B.11.31.1303 PCI-X/PCI-E Serial SCSI (SASD) Driver SATA-DVD B.11.31.1805 PCIe SATA DVD Driver SCSI-Provider B.11.31.1403 CIM/WBEM Provider for SCSI HBA SFM-CORE C.07.20.01 HPUX System Fault Management SG-Apache-Tool B.04.00 Serviceguard Apache Script Templates SG-NFS-Tool A.11.31.02 Serviceguard NFS Script Templates SG-Oracle-Tool B.04.00 Serviceguard Oracle Script Templates SG-Samba-Tool B.04.00 Serviceguard Samba Script Templates SG-Tomcat-Tool B.04.00 Serviceguard Tomcat Script Templates SGManagerPI B.01.00 HP Serviceguard Manager SGWBEMProviders A.01.00.01 HP Serviceguard WBEM Providers SD Product SOE B.11.31 SOE SRP A.02.02 HP-UX Secure Resource Partition SW-DIST B.11.31.1403.401 HP-UX Software Distributor SWM A. HP-UX Software Manager SWMTRANS A. HP-UX Software Manager (OE transition version) SYSPREP D.11.31.0903.01 Transition of obsolete product SecPatchChk B.02.05 HP-UX Security Check Tool Secure_Shell A.08.10.003 HP-UX Secure Shell SecurityConfig B.11.31 HP-UX Security Attributes Tool SecurityMon B.11.31 SecurityMon SecurityTools B.01.04.07 The security Tools that Bastille can Configure Sendmail B.11.31 Mail Transfer Protocol daemons and utilities ServiceGuard A.11.17.01 Serviceguard SD Product SourceControl B.11.31 SourceControl Spelling B.11.31 Spelling Streams B.11.31 HP-UX Streams Product Streams-TIO B.11.31 HP-UX_Streams-TIO_Product Sudo A.20.00-1.8.6p3.001 Super User Do Sup-Tool-Mgr B. HPUX Support Tools Manager for HPUX systems SwaMin A. Minimal HP-UX Software Assistant Functionality SysMgmtAgent C. HP Systems Insight Manager Agent Product SysMgmtBase B.00.02.04 HP-UX Common System Management Enablers SysMgmtDB A.01.00- HP System Management Database (HPSMDB) SysMgmtHomepage A. HP-UX System Management Homepage - Web-Based User Interfaces SysMgmtHomepage A.3.2.9 HP-UX System Management Homepage - Web-Based User Interfaces SysMgmtServer C. HP Systems Insight Manager Server Product SystemAdmin B.11.31 HP-UX System Administration Tools SystemComm B.11.31 System Communication utilities - ct,cu,ptydaemon,vt,kermit TCPWrappers B.11.31 Internet services Access Control Protocol TerminalMngr B.11.31 TerminalMngr TextEditors B.11.31 TextEditors TextFormatters B.11.31 TextFormatters USB-CORE D.11.31.0903.01 Transition of obsolete product USB-EHCI D.11.31.0903.01 Transition of obsolete product USB-OHCI D.11.31.0903.01 Transition of obsolete product USB-TRANS D.11.31.0903.01 Transition HP Object Oriented USB Driver UUCP B.11.31 Unix to Unix CoPy Update-UX B.11.31 HP-UX Update-UX UsersAndGroups B.11.31 HP-UX Accounts Management Tool VMAN-CMS A. HP Insight Virtualization Manager software for ID-VSE VMMGR-CMS A. Integrity Virtual Server Manager for ID-VSE VPAR-Core B.11.31 HP-UX Kernel support for Virtual Partitions VParProvider B. vPar Provider VRTSap VERITAS Action Provider VRTSddlpr b4.1.010 VERITAS Device Discovery Layer Services Provider VRTSfspro 4.1x VERITAS File System Management Services Provider VRTSob 3.2.555.1 VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service VRTSobgui 3.2.555.1 VERITAS Enterprise Administrator VRTStep VERITAS Task Exec Provider VRTSvlic Symantec License Utilities VRTSvmdoc 4.1.032 VERITAS Volume Manager Documentation VRTSvmpro 4.1.020 VERITAS Volume Manager Management Services Provider VRTSvxmsa VxMS Application Deployment Package VRTSvxvm 4.1.032 Base VERITAS Volume Manager 4.1 for HP-UX VSE-AGENTS A. Agents and Installers for Virtual Server Environment VSE-CMS A. Base CMS for Virtual Server Environment VSE-CMS-HELP A. CMS Help for Virtual Server Environment VSEGLIB-CMS A. Gadget Library for Virtual Server Environment VSEGLIB2-CMS A. GLIB2 CMS for Virtual Server Environment WBEMP-FCP B.11.31.1805.01.01 FC Provider - CIM/WBEM Provider for Fibre Channel HBAs WBEMP-FS B.11.31.1009 HP-UX File System CIM Provider. WBEMP-IOTreeIP B.11.31.1403 CIM/WBEM Indication and Consolidated Status Provider for IOTree subsystem WBEMP-LAN B.11.31.1707.01.01 LAN Providers - CIM/WBEM Providers for Ethernet interfaces. WBEMP-Storage B.11.31.1805.01.01 Storage Provider - CIM/WBEM Provider for Storage WBEMServices A. WBEM Services CORE Product WLM-DevTools A.01.01 WLM Development Tools WLM-Monitor A.03.02.02 HP-UX Workload Manager Utilities WLM-Toolkits A.01.10.01 HP-UX Workload Manager Toolkits Workload-Mgr A.03.02.02 HP-UX Workload Manager X11 B.11.31 HP-UX X Window Software Xserver B.11.31 HP-UX X Server fips_1_1_2 FIPS-OPENSSL-1.1.2.mt003 Secure Network Communications Protocol fips_1_2 FIPS-OPENSSL-1.2.zf03 Secure Network Communications Protocol fips_2_0_5 FIPS-OPENSSL-2.0.5.z102r Secure Network Communications Protocol gWLM-Agent A. HP Global Workload Manager Agent software gWLM-CMS A. HP Global Workload Manager gcc 4.7.2 gcc hpuxws22APACHE B. HP-UX Apache-based Web Server hpuxws22TOMCAT D. HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine hpuxws22WEBMIN A.1.070.13 HP-UX Webmin-based Admin hpuxws24APACHE B. HP-UX Apache-based Web Server hpuxws24TOMCAT D. HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine hpuxws24WEBMIN B.1.070.14 HP-UX Webmin-based Admin hpuxwsAPACHE B. HP-UX Apache-based Web Server hpuxwsTOMCAT B. HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine hpuxwsWEBMIN A.1.070.10 HP-UX Webmin-based Admin hpuxwsXML A.2.01 HP-UX XML Web Server Tools iCAP-CMS A. iCAP Manager CMS for Virtual Server Environment iCOD B. Instant Capacity krb5client E. Kerberos V5 Client Version lsof 4.87 lsof olosProvider B.01.04 OLOS Provider openssl A.01.01.01d.001 Secure Network Communications Protocol scsiU320 B.11.31.1805 Ultra320 SCSI Driver and Utilities; Supptd HW=A7173A/AB290A utilProvider A. Utilization Provider vmGuestLib A.02.00.31 Integrity VM vmGuestLib vmProvider A.02.00.31 WBEM Provider for Integrity VM vmProvider vseAssist A. Virtual Server Environment Configuration Assistant
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